An Explanation of This Description

posted by Jeffrey on Friday, August 25, 2006 at 9:55 AM

*I've moved, and my posts have come with me! Check out my new blog at*

So what? Why explain the description of my own blog? Because it is not really what this blog is about. Some may say, "yes it is, it's most always the topic at hand", to which I would reply, "is it really?" So allow your eyes to wander to the upper right corner of the page, that white, italicized, text reads, "Chronicling the mysterious adventure of learning what it means to BE Church, not go to it..."

It's true, meditating on what it means to BE Church was the thought that first allowed me to scratch the surface of the real, underlying topics I talk about here, but that is all. It was merely the toe deep water I found myself in that afforded the opportunity to hear the call of the deep. However, if that were all I muse about here, essentially, I would be talking about a style of doing church, and hence I would be compelled to label it so that others may duplicate it and realize how cutting edge I am (and I'm desperately restraining from providing annoying examples, at this moment).

So I know my 20-30 visitors per day aren't necessarily huge commenters (which is totally cool with me), but I'm curious, what do yall think I'm actually dealing with here.

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Blogger Sam Davidson said...

I don't think that the description is good or bad.

But the flying squirrel does merit explanation.

August 26, 2006 8:42 AM

Blogger gavin richardson said...

agreed, the flying squirrel i've never got, but don't forget to vote for me for president!!

August 28, 2006 10:52 AM

Blogger Jeffrey said...

what do you mean? that is a picture of me. screw this wretched internet, you can't even post a pic of urself and not get made fun of...

August 28, 2006 11:07 AM


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