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After an intentional several month hiatus from all books (except for the occasional reference), I've finally cracked the binding once again. With the upcoming release of the DaVinci Code, I decided to pick up a small paperback version of the book at Kroger for six dollars and read it.
I've been intrigued for quite some time as to what made this book so compelling and a "must read" for so many people--besides the smack-you-in-the-face "fictional" challenging of traditional Christian understandings, that is. With that wonder in mind, I decided now would be a good time to read the book since it will once again be the topic of conversation once the movie is released. I know, I know...alterior motives rear their ugly heads yet again. (Will I ever be able to overcome that subconscious faculty programmed in my youth?!)
Anyway, after about 60 pages into the book I found myself, as Jamey said yesterday, reading for my own entertainment. The deeper into the plot I get, the more I realize this is my kind of book. Secret societies, subjective art, religious scandals and secrets, ancient symbolism unperceived in our modern world, murder, mystery, and the like. Those of you know me are sure to understand that all these things in one book are sure to be my mental playground.
The writing is dry in parts, the overly descriptive passages sometimes drag on for pages, and the soap opera-ish chapter structure can be annoying, but overall I'm glad I decided to pick this book up for a read--regardless of my original motivation. I'll be interested to see, as with all films based on books, how the movie adheres to the plot of the text version.
P.S. (lol, for those of you who've read the book): Yes, its fiction. Yes, it challenges blatantly opposes traditional Christian thought. But, as one commenter to Jamey's post (linked above) said, "Christianity can withstand critical thinking, and I think full, complete Christianity requires it."
That being said, let me say that I do agree with others who have posted on the topic of this book/film. Many have said something to the effect of, "I wouldn't let people say "fictional" things about my mom, I'm not going to let them say "fictional" things about Jesus...". A valid point. However the best way to silence the falsehoods about my mom would be to introduce the nay-sayer(s) to her. They would then surely see that what they have been saying of her could not be more erroneous. Screaming back at them, "you're wrong idiot!" will, however, throw fuel on their fire of lies. The same is true as it pertains to Jesus.
Tags: the DaVinci Code, Dan Brown, Christianity